
Clinical research blog

Explore our blog for insights into the big questions in precision medicine and clinical research.

COVID-19 and genomic sequencing: Tracking variants and lessons for future pandemics

As COVID-19 continues to affect us all, it has become evident that our fight against the virus is not just about developing vaccines and therapeutics. Equally crucial is our ability to track the virus’s mutations and adaptations. Enter genomic sequencing – a technology that has taken centre stage in our ongoing battle against the pandemic. Here, we explore how genomic sequencing has been instrumental in tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants and its implications for future pandemics.

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Can ALS be Caught Early: Unravelling the Detection of ALS

In this blog, we're exploring whether ALS can be caught early, including the tests that may be used in order to diagnose ALS, and if there are any measures that can be put in place to stop it early. 

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From genes to cures: How genomic data guides drug target discovery

In the constantly evolving pharmaceutical and biotech industries, the search for new drug targets is an ongoing effort. Clinical operations professionals play a pivotal role in this endeavour, and one of the most promising tools at their disposal is genetic data. In this blog, we will explore how genetic data is harnessed to identify drug targets, and what this means for the drug development process.

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The long haul: How long COVID continues to challenge healthcare

Long COVID, affecting nearly 28% of COVID-19 survivors, is a multifaceted condition that extends well beyond its initial impact. Typical include fatigue, concentration difficulties, and shortness of breath – but researchers have identified more than 200 symptoms associated with long COVID. It remains a global health puzzle, but research is paving the way for a deeper understanding and improved treatments.

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Omnichannel recruitment channels for clinical trials

In the ever-evolving landscape of clinical trial recruitment, an omnichannel approach is becoming increasingly crucial to ensure a diverse and engaged participant pool. This approach involves the integration of various outreach methods to reach potential participants through traditional methods, digital channels, patient advocacy groups, patient databases, and more. Each of these approaches has its pros and cons, offering unique opportunities and challenges to recruit participants effectively. Understanding these benefits and disadvantages can help researchers put together a perfectly blended omnichannel approach.

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Handling variants of uncertain significance (VUS) in clinical trials

When a person undergoes genetic testing, they often expect to find definitive answers about their genes. However, around 20% of genetic tests identify variants of uncertain significance (VUS). These enigmatic genetic mutations often leave researchers and patients with more questions than answers. Unlike harmful mutations that may cause cancers or benign ones that aren't linked to illness, researchers lack sufficient information about VUS to determine their association with any conditions. Here, we'll outline what VUS actually are, their significance in clinical trials, and some effective strategies to manage them.

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What is a patient registry, and what role do they play in precision medicine clinical trials?

Back in 2015, a study published in Nature suggested that by harnessing genetic data to support the selection of candidate drugs, researchers could double their success rates. Considering that only around 10% of clinical programs ultimately result in an approved drug, using genetic data can be game-changing for drug development. Patient registries serve as repositories of genetic information that can be used during precision medicine trials to help us better understand medical conditions and why people react to treatments differently. In this blog, we’ll define genetic patient registries and discuss how they support research and what to keep in mind if you're considering making use of one.

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The science of success: Clinical trial recruitment strategies [whitepaper]

Clinical trials drive medical progress, but their success relies on effective patient recruitment. And recruiting patients for clinical trials is no small task. Consider these statistics: 37% of trial sites struggle with under-enrollment, 11% fail to enrol any patients, and 90% of trials need their timelines doubled to meet goals. Recruiting one patient costs an average of $6,533, with replacing a drop-out patient soaring to $19,533. Getting patient recruitment right is paramount.

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The genetic evidence advantage in drug development

In the ever-evolving world of healthcare and pharmaceuticals, researchers are constantly seeking ways to make drug development more efficient and effective. Sano’s new report, “Why are drug targets with genetic evidence twice as likely to succeed in trials?” sheds light on the use of genetic evidence to significantly increase the success rates of drugs in clinical trials, offering a glimpse into the future of personalised medicine.

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What are the major sources of genetic data for drug discovery?

Genetics plays a principal role in health and disease, and continues to become increasingly important for drug development. With genetic data, the focus is shifting from traditional trial-and-error approaches towards precision medicine. This data helps us to understand the genetic underpinnings of diseases, enabling the identification of potential drug targets and more personalised treatment strategies. In this blog, we explore the major sources of genetic data that drive advancements in drug discovery, ranging from genomic databases to cutting-edge sequencing technologies.

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