20 clinical trial patient recruitment companies to drive your research forward

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Medical research is moving faster than ever, and while this is exciting news for patients waiting for new and better treatments, it also highlights the bottlenecks that are slowing the process down. One such bottleneck is clinical trial patient recruitment; a third of all delays for Phase III studies are caused by difficulties finding patients to take part. And while it’s estimated that recruitment costs make up 40% of all trial expenditures, 80% of studies fail to meet their enrollment deadlines. These delays are costly, too – for many sponsors, every month delayed can cost an additional $1 million

With the high stakes for both patients and the bottom line, it’s important to get clinical trial recruitment right. There are many companies that specialize in just this – they’ll research your target patients, write ads, conduct outreach, prescreen patients, and connect them with sites. The perfect recruitment company depends on what’s being studied and what type of support is needed.

20 clinical trial patient recruitment companies

  1. Sano Genetics is a genetics research company that helps sponsors recruit for precision medicine clinical trials based on patients’ genetic data. Sano’s end-to-end platform de-risks trials, enabling clinical operations teams to move up to 10x faster and reduce cost by up to 5x.

  2. OneStudyTeam is a patient enrollment platform for clinical trials that arms sponsors with rich data to drive quicker enrollment. Their enrollment offering for sites can also be paired with services from other recruitment partners. 

  3. Science 37 is a decentralized clinical trial platform that enables remote participation and site-less trials. They use an omni-channel recruitment approach to select the best channel to reach receptive patients, and focus on high-efficiency enrollment so that no patient is lost to follow up.

  4. THREAD Research is a digital clinical trial patient recruitment company that uses a community partner network (CureClick) to find and connect with eligible patients.

  5. Elligo Health Research offers customized services to optimize clinical trial patient enrollment and engagement. They focus on attracting, educating, and retaining patients throughout the study lifecycle. They offer a wide variety of outreach approaches that are tailored to each study.

  6. Carenity is an online patient community that supports 500,000 patients and caregivers worldwide across 1,200 chronic and rare diseases. They provide clinical trial recruitment services as part of their trial optimization offering. 

  7. Embleema is a blockchain-based platform that recruits study patients online and securely shares medical data for clinical research. 

  8. Curebase offers comprehensive software to run modern, patient-centric clinical trials. Their team uses digital and site-based marketing to build study brands and fully enroll studies.

  9. PatientWing is a patient-centric clinical trial recruitment company that offers a comprehensive digital outreach strategy including advocacy groups, grassroots outreach, original content, and digital advertisements. They focus on rare disease, oncology, and difficult-to-recruit conditions.

  10. BBK Worldwide is a full-service agency that offers sponsors patient-centric solutions, concierge support, and a robust technology platform to drive patient recruitment.

  11. Clara Health offers a flexible suite of decentralized clinical trial tools, including virtual patient recruitment. Their recruitment engine blends patient advocacy partnerships, digital outreach, and grassroots engagement.

  12. StudyKik is a patient recruitment and retention platform for clinical trials that uses social media and mobile technology to engage patients. They offer end-to-end recruitment and boast 24/7 enrollment through their in-house call center.

  13. Clariness is a digital patient recruitment platform for clinical trials. Their ClinLife Patient Portal receives 15 million views a year, and they have enrolled patients in 1,200 trials.

  14. CSSi is a global, full-service patient recruitment company that provides creative development services as well as traditional and digital media advertising for recruitment. With 15 years of experience, they’ve worked in 40+ countries across 30+ therapeutic areas.

  15. Antidote is a digital patient engagement company that matches patients with clinical trials through their website, and offers patient recruitment services to pharma and biotech sponsors through digital marketing, partner outreach, and database engagement.

  16. ClinicalConnection is a platform that connects its 850,000+ patient members with clinical trial opportunities. For sponsors, they offer customized study listings, digital marketing, and web development solutions.

  17. Trial X offers a clinical trial patient recruitment platform called iConnect. They match patients to clinical trials based on their health data, and help investigators improve online awareness of their trials, communicate with interested participants, and monitor recruitment metrics.

  18. Autocruitment has developed an automated platform to target, recruit, screen, and refer patients for clinical trials. They use direct to patient online channels for outreach, and offer risk-based pricing and a quick startup time.

  19. Trialbee is a digital health company that leverages a real world data-driven participant engagement platform to identify and match motivated patients to clinical trials.

  20. MMG is a recruitment company that has been in business for more than 30 years. They offer community- and physician-based recruitment as well as digital solutions and have screened more than 1 million patients to-date.

Ninety percent of trials require the original timeline to be doubled to meet enrollment goals, but with a strong recruitment strategy, finding the right participants doesn’t have to be difficult. The companies listed above offer a variety of services, including digital patient engagement, automated platforms, community-based recruitment, decentralized clinical trial tools, and genetic testing. Selecting the right partner to recruit patients to take part in your trials is the first step to successful trial execution that avoids delays and costs associated with recruitment challenges. 

Are you working on a registry, natural history study, or clinical trial with a genetic component? Sano’s platform combines genetic testing, participant recruitment, and patient engagement in one place to streamline your operations, and can help precision medicine developers run their research up to 10 times faster, at a fraction of the cost.

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