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Key strategies for patient-centric communication in precision medicine: An essential checklist

Written by Sano Marketing Team | Jan 11, 2024 3:24:01 PM

In the rapidly evolving field of precision medicine, the role of patient engagement and communication is pivotal. As we venture into this new era of personalised healthcare, it's essential for pharmaceutical and biotech companies to establish trust and transparency with patients. This checklist serves as a guide to ensure companies are taking the right steps to effectively engage and communicate with patients participating in precision medicine research.

Patient-centric information design

Ensure all research information is clear, concise, and understandable for patients.
Use layman's terms to explain complex medical and scientific concepts.

Transparent consent process

Implement an informed consent process that is thorough and easy to understand.
Provide clear information on the purpose, duration, and potential risks and benefits of the research.

Regular communication

Establish a regular communication schedule with participants.
Provide updates on research progress and any changes in protocol.

Patient privacy and data security

Clearly communicate policies on data privacy and security.
Ensure compliance with all relevant data protection regulations.

Inclusive recruitment strategies

Employ strategies that promote diversity and inclusivity in participant recruitment.
Address potential barriers to participation for underrepresented groups.

Feedback mechanisms

Implement mechanisms for participants to provide feedback and raise concerns.
Use patient feedback to improve research processes and communication strategies.

Accessible support systems

Provide easily accessible support for participants, including contact information for research coordinators and support staff.
Offer resources for additional information and support related to precision medicine.

Cultural sensitivity and competence

Ensure communication materials and strategies are culturally sensitive and appropriate.
Train staff in cultural competence to better interact with a wide array of patient populations.

Outcome sharing

Commit to sharing research outcomes with participants.
Explain how their participation contributes to advancements in precision medicine.

Long-term engagement strategies

Develop strategies to maintain engagement with participants beyond the duration of the research.
  Consider follow-up studies or ongoing communication about related research developments.

Engaging and communicating with patients in precision medicine research is not just a regulatory requirement; it's a commitment to building a more patient-centric approach in healthcare innovation. By following this checklist, pharmaceutical and biotech companies can foster a transparent, respectful, and inclusive environment for patient participants. This not only enhances the quality of research but also strengthens the bridge between scientific discoveries and the communities they aim to serve.

For more information on Sano’s patient engagement offerings, please download our backgrounder below.