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Webinar recap: Sano’s patient finding protocol: Helping you find the right patients faster

Written by Sano Marketing Team | Jul 19, 2024 1:32:45 PM

In a recent webinar, Hayley Holt, Senior Programme Manager at Sano Genetics, provided an insightful discussion on Sano's innovative approach to patient finding, starting with the development of a patient finding protocol.

The link to the full webinar is here; a brief summary is below for easy reference.

About the speaker

Hayley Holt

Hayley Holt is a Senior Programme Manager at Sano Genetics, where she oversees global precision medicine trials. With a PhD in Epidemiology from Queen Mary University of London and a Master's degree in Reproductive and Developmental Biology from Imperial College London, Hayley brings extensive expertise in genetic research and clinical studies. Her professional journey includes leading the COVIDENCE UK Study and developing patient-focused products at Lindus Health.

Highlights from the webinar

What is a patient finding protocol?

Unique to Sano’s process is that we typically start with the development of a bespoke patient finding protocol – a standalone document that outlines the entire recruitment process, separate from the clinical trial protocol itself. This protocol is flexible and can be adapted without extensive modifications. It ensures that all identified participants are seamlessly referred through an ethically approved protocol, streamlining the transition from recruitment to active study involvement. In addition, Sano's patient finding protocol includes optional biomarker testing for a comprehensive approach to precision medicine trial recruitment. This protocol ensures participants are accurately selected based on relevant criteria, enhancing the quality and reliability of the participant pool.

Implementation and benefits of the patient finding protocol

The webinar highlighted several reasons why a patient finding protocol is crucial:

  • Speeds up enrolment: Streamlines the recruitment process, reducing delays in starting studies.
  • Cuts costs: Targets the right audience, reducing wasted resources on unqualified leads.
  • Access to a wider pool: Taps into a diverse patient population, improving the robustness of study results and ensuring study populations mirror real world ones.
  • Efficiency and planning: Ensures seamless execution and addresses potential challenges early.
  • Flexibility: Allows for proactive adjustments based on success metrics, ensuring the protocol remains effective and responsive.

Sano employs a collaborative strategy, working closely with clients to design effective patient finding protocols. This includes developing consent forms, mapping out the entire patient journey, and developing patient materials – integrating patient and public involvement (PPI) along the way to ensure the patient perspective is included.

Once approved, Sano launches targeted recruitment campaigns using a variety of methods such as online ads, social media, and patient registries. Our multi-channel approach and advanced technology platform ensure efficient screening and consenting of potential participants. Qualified patients are then referred to the study or matched for future research opportunities, ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining a robust pipeline of potential participants.

Sano handles all necessary submissions and amendments to the ethics process, ensuring that the patient finding protocol meets all ethical and regulatory standards. This attention to detail paves the way for a smooth and compliant recruitment process.

Hayley emphasised that Sano's expert team, advanced technology platform, and personalised approach set us apart in the crowded patient recruitment space. Our focus on precision medicine and genetic testing, combined with data-driven strategies and continuous refinement, ensures the most effective recruitment outcomes.


This webinar showcased Sano’s innovative approach to patient finding, highlighting the importance and effectiveness of a dedicated patient finding protocol. Hayley Holt provided a comprehensive overview of how Sano's strategies and technologies streamline the recruitment process, enhance participant diversity, and improve the overall efficiency of clinical trials.

For more, watch the full webinar: