Sano blog

Webinar recap: Parkinson's disease engagement, screening, and retention

Written by Sano Marketing Team | Mar 27, 2024 2:59:56 PM

In this webinar, “Parkinson's disease: Engagement, screening, and retention," Sano CEO and Co-Founder Patrick Short shares a case study of Sano’s work on a genetic Parkinson’s disease clinical trial. He explores the methodologies used for this cutting-edge program, and describes the success of the project.

The link to the full webinar is here; a brief summary is below for easy reference.

About the speaker

Patrick Short

Patrick Short is a Cambridge-trained PhD geneticist with experience researching large-scale genome sequencing and rare disorders. He is dedicated to driving the world’s transition to precision medicine through Sano, which combines genetic testing, recruitment, and long-term engagement in one platform, accelerating enrollment and simplifying operations for precision medicine studies.

Highlights from the webinar

For this project, our client asked us to identify, screen, and engage patients with genetic forms of Parkinson's across multiple countries and languages, tackling the recruitment challenges of individuals with rare genetic subtypes. Patrick outlines the innovative strategies Sano employed to navigate these hurdles, notably the introduction of a non-invasive, at-home DNA testing kit. This method significantly broadened participant accessibility, improving the efficiency of the screening process by reducing screen failure rates and optimising recruitment costs.

Additionally, the webinar highlighted Sano Genetics' unique "patient finding protocol," offering, which maps out recruitment in detail, and the development of virtual waiting room, a personalised digital platform that deepens participants' understanding of their genetic makeup and informs them about upcoming research opportunities. This forward-thinking strategy in patient recruitment and engagement not only promotes long-term participation but also ensures a ready cohort of participants for future trials.


This webinar offered an in-depth look into Sano’s innovative approach to tackling the challenges of Parkinson's disease research through strategic recruitment, genetic screening, and patient engagement. By addressing the specific needs of patients with genetic forms of the disease, the program has set new standards in clinical trial recruitment and efficiency. Watch below for more details.