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Webinar recap: Ethical and regulatory landscapes in precision medicine

Written by Sano Marketing Team | Aug 25, 2023 5:29:00 PM

The rapidly evolving landscape of precision medicine has opened new avenues for personalised treatments, transforming how we approach patient care. Genetic information is now pivotal in tailoring medical interventions to individual needs. However, with this innovation comes a complex web of ethical and regulatory considerations that must be carefully navigated to ensure patient safety, data privacy, and ethical conduct. Here are the key insights and lessons from a recent Sano webinar in which Sarah Howard, our Head of Quality and Regulatory, shed light on the ethical and regulatory landscapes surrounding precision medicine.

The link to the full webinar is here; a brief summary is below for easy reference.

About the speaker

Sarah Howard

Sarah Howard is a seasoned quality professional with extensive expertise in GCP, GLP, regulatory compliance, and data protection related to clinical trials. Her achievements include implementing GDPR, leading archiving and records management, establishing standard operating procedures at high growth companies, and successfully managing regulatory inspections. Sarah currently serves as the Head of Quality and Regulatory at Sano Genetics.

Highlights from the webinar

Why do we need regulation in precision medicine trials?

The primary purpose of regulation is to ensure patient safety and treatment efficacy. Regulatory frameworks guide the drug development cycle, encompassing everything from pre-clinical animal testing to human trials, thereby ensuring that drugs are safe, effective, and ethically conducted.

History shows us that there is a strong need for stringent regulation and ethical considerations in clinical trials. Examples like the atrocities committed during Nazi testing and the infamous Tuskegee trials serve as stark reminders of the consequences when ethical boundaries are breached. These tragic events led to the establishment of ethical codes like the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki, which laid the foundation for good clinical practice and the protection of human rights in research.

Moreover, recent instances like the Elephant Man trial and the thalidomide disaster emphasise the importance of adaptive regulation that responds to emerging challenges, ensuring participant safety remains paramount.

How can ethical and privacy concerns be addressed?

Genetic data is highly sensitive, capable of revealing not only medical conditions but also hereditary implications that affect families. Participants need to provide informed consent that ensures they comprehend the implications of genetic testing. Genetic counselling is often offered to guide patients through the complexities as well. Furthermore, the challenge of maintaining patient privacy and data security in the era of widespread digital information is addressed through adherence to frameworks like GDPR and ISO 27001.


Striking a balance between innovation, patient safety, and data privacy is crucial for successful implementation of precision medicine research. The lessons from historical tragedies underscore the imperative of maintaining ethical conduct, while contemporary regulations like GDPR ensure data privacy remains a top priority. As precision medicine continues to redefine healthcare paradigms, it is our responsibility to remain vigilant in upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and regulatory compliance.

For more information on Sano's approach to genetic data privacy and security, please get in touch below.