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Systemic shifts: Steering precision medicine towards success

Written by Sano Marketing Team | Feb 8, 2024 8:43:15 PM

In today's digital age, scientists and medical professionals are harnessing the power of healthcare data to unravel the genetic foundations of various diseases. But despite the growing portfolio of precision medicines, their integration into healthcare systems is not without its hurdles. This blog explores the challenges and opportunities of integrating precision medicine into healthcare systems. 

A data deluge

Precision medicine, with its promise of tailored healthcare solutions, is becoming increasingly beneficial for patients. However, it demands extensive data collection, analysis, and management. The healthcare sector is currently experiencing a significant surge in data growth, with an annual increase of approximately 48%. Each year, an estimated 2 to 40 billion gigabytes of genomic data is created – even on the low end, that’s equal to about 1 million books. The challenge lies not just in storing this vast amount of data, but also in analysing and accessing it effectively.

This endeavour requires diverse types of data:

Genomic data: This includes information from genetic tests such as phenotyping and staging data critical for interpretation. Its utility is greatly enhanced when linked with other forms of data, such as diagnostic or clinical information over extended periods. However, this interconnectivity makes genomic data particularly challenging to store, access, and update as necessary. For an in-depth understanding of the obstacles associated with managing large-scale genomic data, please download our latest report.

Clinical data: Patient information such as symptoms, diagnoses, and longitudinal health records play a key role in informing genomic analysis and furthering research into precision medicine.

Management data: Healthcare systems need to collect management data to improve and evaluate precision medicine services. This includes monitoring access variability, turnaround times, and testing activities, then correlating findings with outcomes and treatment efficacy.

Advanced technology

The exponential growth in data is driving a need for more sophisticated technologies within our healthcare systems. The surge in data volume from genomic sequencing and other diagnostic tests not only challenges the capacity of existing healthcare infrastructures but also emphasises the necessity for advanced data analytics, storage solutions, and secure data sharing mechanisms. 

To harness the full potential of precision medicine, healthcare systems must adopt and integrate cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. These innovations promise not only to manage and analyse datasets efficiently but also to ensure the data's accessibility and privacy. To take the AI example, AI's role in healthcare is rapidly evolving, offering unparalleled efficiencies in data analysis and the development of targeted treatments. This integration is expected to significantly reduce healthcare costs, with a potential savings of $150 billion annually in the US by 2026. Consequently, the advancement of healthcare technology is not just a facilitation but a prerequisite for the effective implementation of precision medicine, aiming to tailor medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient.

Structural, procedural, and philosophical shifts

The advent of precision medicine is necessitating profound changes across the healthcare system, extending beyond technological enhancements to encompass structural, procedural, and philosophical shifts. Precision medicine's core principle—tailoring treatment to individual patient characteristics, including genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment—demands a more personalised approach to patient care. This paradigm shift requires healthcare providers to adopt a more integrated model of care, one that considers a wide array of patient data to inform treatment plans. Consequently, there's a growing need for interdisciplinary collaboration among clinicians, geneticists, data scientists, and other specialists, fostering an environment where cross-specialty consultation becomes the norm rather than the exception.

Furthermore, the implementation of precision medicine challenges existing regulatory frameworks and insurance models, prompting a reevaluation of how treatments are approved and reimbursed. Traditional one-size-fits-all benchmarks for efficacy and safety may not apply, leading to the development of new guidelines that accommodate the nuances of personalised therapies. This evolution also calls for an enhancement in patient engagement and education, as individuals must navigate more complex treatment options and participate actively in decisions about their healthcare. Additionally, ethical considerations, particularly around genetic privacy and consent, take on heightened significance, and on a global scale, challenges arise in the cross-border sharing of patients, biological material, and technical resources. This underscores the need for clear policies that protect patient rights while enabling the progress of precision medicine. 

These systemic transformations illustrate the comprehensive nature of the changes required, highlighting the need for a collaborative, patient-centred, and ethically-grounded approach to healthcare in the era of precision medicine.

Financial implications

The financial implications of integrating precision medicine into healthcare systems are both complex and significant. On the one hand, the upfront costs associated with the adoption of precision medicine are considerable. These costs stem from the need for advanced technological infrastructure to handle extensive genomic data collection, analysis, and storage, as well as the investment in specialised training for healthcare professionals to interpret and apply this data effectively. Additionally, the development and provision of targeted therapies can be substantially more expensive than traditional treatments due to the specificity of these interventions and the smaller patient populations they serve. This scenario poses a challenge for healthcare systems already grappling with limited budgets and resources, raising concerns about the sustainability and affordability of precision medicine.

On the other hand, the long-term financial benefits of precision medicine offer a promising counterbalance to its initial costs. By enabling more accurate diagnoses and tailoring treatments to the genetic profiles of individual patients, precision medicine has the potential to significantly improve treatment outcomes and reduce the incidence of adverse drug reactions. This personalised approach can lead to a reduction in unnecessary treatments and hospitalizations, thereby decreasing overall healthcare expenditures. Moreover, by preventing disease progression and improving patients' quality of life, precision medicine can contribute to the reduction of indirect healthcare costs, such as lost productivity due to illness. Despite these potential savings, the transition to a healthcare model that fully embraces precision medicine requires strategic investments and a reevaluation of funding models to ensure equitable access and the maximisation of its societal and economic benefits.


The push towards precision medicine in healthcare systems marks a significant evolution from traditional treatment models to one where care is customised, outcomes are markedly improved, and the potential for cost efficiency is unlocked. This shift leans heavily on the use of vast genomic data through cutting-edge technologies, signifying a move towards a healthcare approach that is both data-informed and centred around the patient. 

This shift also necessitates profound changes in healthcare infrastructure to support these advancements, emphasises the critical role of collaborative efforts across various disciplines, and requires a careful consideration of the investment it demands against the backdrop of its long-term advantages. As we tackle these challenges, the ultimate aim remains to harness the promise of precision medicine to elevate the standard of patient care and usher in a more effective and inclusive healthcare landscape.

For a more in-depth look at how technology is driving precision medicine, please download our whitepaper: