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Omnichannel recruitment channels for clinical trials

Written by Sano Marketing Team | Sep 22, 2023 8:55:18 PM

In the ever-evolving landscape of clinical trial recruitment, an omnichannel approach is becoming increasingly crucial to ensure a diverse and engaged participant pool. This approach involves the integration of various outreach methods to reach potential participants through traditional methods, digital channels, patient advocacy groups, patient databases, and more. Each of these approaches has its pros and cons, offering unique opportunities and challenges to recruit participants effectively. Understanding these benefits and disadvantages can help researchers put together a perfectly blended omnichannel approach.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods, including print ads, radio announcements, and television spots, offer a tangible presence in the community and can capture the attention of a broad audience. Pros of this approach include the ability to reach individuals who may not be internet-savvy and the potential for wide viewership. However, traditional methods may struggle to target specific demographics effectively, and there is limited space for detailed trial information. To mitigate these limitations, researchers should carefully select media outlets aligned with their target audience and use these channels to direct interested individuals to more detailed online resources.

Digital channels

In contrast, digital channels have transformed clinical trial recruitment, enabling researchers to connect with a global audience. Online surveys, patient recruitment platforms, informative websites, and social media advertising are just a few examples. The pros of digital outreach are numerous, including the ability to quickly screen potential participants, engage with targeted audiences, and provide comprehensive trial information. However, the digital landscape is crowded, making it challenging to break through the noise. Engaging sceptical or misinformed individuals can also be difficult. To overcome these challenges, highly targeted advertising, informative content, and addressing common misconceptions about clinical trials are essential strategies.

Patient advocacy groups

Patient advocacy groups and networks offer a unique avenue to engage with individuals already invested in specific health conditions. These groups can provide access to a motivated community eager to participate in trials related to their health concerns. Collaboration with patient advocacy groups can significantly enhance recruitment efforts and patient engagement. Still, it can be time-consuming to gain trust within these communities, and researchers must ensure accurate representation of trial details when communicating through third parties.

Patient databases or registries

Patient databases or registries serve as critical tools for connecting potential participants with suitable trials. These databases streamline the recruitment process by allowing individuals to express their interest in clinical research and providing researchers with essential demographic and medical information. This approach empowers patients and enhances recruitment efficiency. However, patient databases may attract a specific demographic, potentially leading to underrepresentation of certain populations. Maintaining accurate and up-to-date information within these databases can also be challenging.


An omnichannel approach to clinical trial recruitment, incorporating a blend of traditional methods, digital channels, patient advocacy partnerships, patient databases, and other approaches offers researchers a comprehensive strategy to engage a diverse range of participants. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses, and successful recruitment requires a thoughtful combination of these methods that carefully considers the therapeutic area and the lived experience of those with the condition. By doing so, researchers can ensure that clinical trials are more representative and relevant to the broader population, ultimately advancing medical research and improving patient care.

For more information, download our whitepaper on strategic approaches for building effective clinical trial recruitment channels: