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Navigating smooth clinical trials: Tips for pharma and biotech sponsors to avoid study rescue

Written by Sano Marketing Team | Jul 14, 2023 5:47:28 PM

Clinical trials play a crucial role in the development of pharmaceutical and biotech products. However, unforeseen challenges can arise during the trial process, potentially jeopardising the integrity and outcomes of the study. As a recent Applied Clinical Trial article noted, “while drug discovery is mostly about science, drug development is rich with, and risked by, human drama.”

In this blog post, we explore proactive measures that pharma and biotech sponsors can take to minimise the likelihood of needing their studies to be rescued, ensuring smoother and more successful clinical trials.

Thorough planning and protocol design

A solid foundation is essential for any clinical trial. A comprehensive plan that includes a well-designed protocol with clear inclusion and exclusion criteria, endpoints, and data collection methods should be the first order of business for any sponsor looking to conduct a clinical trial. Engage experienced professionals in the field to help create a study design that addresses the primary objectives while accounting for potential risks and challenges – this should include recruitment experts who can design a comprehensive patient finding protocol as part of your planning. Additionally, consult with regulatory authorities and obtain their input during the planning phase to ensure compliance with guidelines and expectations.

Adequate resource allocation 

Insufficient resources can lead to delays, errors, or compromised quality in a clinical trial. It’s important that you allocate ample time, funds, and skilled personnel to support the study. Build a multidisciplinary team comprising individuals with diverse expertise, including clinical researchers, data managers, statisticians, and medical writers. Adequate resourcing ensures that all aspects of the trial, from participant recruitment and site selection to data analysis and patient engagement, are conducted efficiently and with precision.

Effective site selection and management

Selecting the right clinical trial sites is crucial for success. Sponsors should thoroughly evaluate potential sites based on their capabilities, patient population, and previous research experience. Develop strong relationships with investigators and site staff, providing them with adequate training and ongoing support. Regularly monitor site performance, addressing any issues promptly – this is an area where a strong clinical trial patient recruitment vendor can assist. Effective site management ensures compliance with protocols, minimises data discrepancies, and facilitates timely enrollment and data collection. 

Rigorous monitoring and quality control

Implement robust monitoring and quality control processes to detect and address potential issues early on. Regularly review and audit data to identify any inconsistencies or deviations from the protocol. Employing technology-driven solutions such as electronic data capture systems and remote monitoring tools for real-time access to data can flag issues early. This enables prompt intervention when necessary, reducing the likelihood of rescue situations arising from data integrity issues.

Open communication and collaboration

Establish clear lines of communication among all stakeholders involved in the clinical trial. Encourage open dialogue and foster collaboration between sponsors, investigators, site staff, regulatory authorities, and vendors. Regularly engage in discussions to address challenges, share updates, and align expectations. Effective communication ensures that all parties are informed, motivated, and working towards a common goal, reducing the chances of misunderstandings or misinterpretations that could derail the study.


By implementing proactive measures throughout the clinical trial process, pharma and biotech sponsors can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering challenges that require study rescue and create unnecessary delays. Thorough planning, adequate resource allocation, effective site selection and management, rigorous monitoring, and open communication are vital components of successful clinical trials. Investing in these practices fosters a more streamlined and reliable trial process, ultimately accelerating the development of safe and effective therapies for patients in need.

For details on how a data-driven approach to clinical trials can keep you on track, download our latest report, “Measuring and optimising clinical trials based on data.”